Overwhelmed by Your Inbox?
Let InboxWizz Organize It for You!
Say goodbye to email chaos and hello to productivity with InboxWizz.
Is your inbox a mess with over 1000 unread emails?
Are important messages buried under a mountain of advertisements? InboxWizz is here to save the day. Our AI-driven solution sorts your emails into predefined categories, so you never miss an important email again.

AI-Powered Sorting
Automatically sort emails into categories like Work, Personal, Ads, and more.

Customizable Rules
Tailor the organization to fit your specific needs and preferences.

One-Click Clean-Up
Organize your inbox with a single click, moving emails to their designated folders..

Seamless Integration
Works with Outlook 365, and other major email apps will follow.

Save Time
No more sifting through countless emails to find what you need.

Reduce stress
A clean inbox means a clear mind and improved productivity.

Stay Organized
Keep your emails neatly sorted without lifting a finger.

Enhanced Efficiency
Quickly access important emails and ignore the rest.
Join the Pre-Launch Today!
Be the first to declutter your inbox with InboxWizz. Register now for exclusive early access and special benefits.
Pre-Registration Form
Take back controle!
Don't let a cluttered inbox stress you out. Sign up for our pre-launch and take control of your emails today!